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How Many Calories Can You Burn on Rowing Machine?

How Many Calories Can You Burn on Rowing Machine

When it comes to losing weight by burning calories, most people prefer rowing machines – and for all the right reasons!

Rowing machines provide a more convenient way of burning calories than any other manual workout. Medical research shows that if you want to lose weight, there’s nothing more effective than getting rid of extra calories.

But here’s the thing – it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are a number of factors that affect your calorie count and how you burn them. Things like age, height, weight, gender, percentage of body fat, and level of average physical activity all play a role in determining how many calories you’ll be able to burn while rowing.

So, to figure out how many calories you can burn through rowing, let’s first understand what exactly we mean by calories and how we can burn them.

What is a calorie and how can we burn it?

A calorie is basically a unit of energy. You’re using energy no matter what kind of activity you’re doing – even when you’re fast asleep! As for burning calories, you can do it in a number of ways, like through digestion, dieting, and working out.

Interestingly, your body burns about 70% of calories just by consuming basic food. The remaining 30% can be burned through physical activity or exercise, and even food processing. Food processing is a pretty slow method, though. So let’s talk about the easiest way to burn calories – exercise! And among exercises, rowing is one of the best ways to burn excess calories.

Calculating calories burnt through rowing

To calculate the number of calories burnt, you can use a fitness calculator. While using a fitness calculator, keep in mind that it requires you to know your heart rate while you row. Don’t worry – most of the latest rowing machines have a monitor that can calculate your heart rate while you’re working out.

Amount of calories burnt through rowing machines

Now that you know the basics, let’s look at how many calories you can burn while rowing. Here’s a table showing the calories burned for different weights and intensities:

Weight Intensity Duration Calories Burned
125 lbs Moderate 1 hour 410 calories
125 lbs Vigorous 1 hour 510 calories
155 lbs Moderate 1 hour 520 calories
155 lbs Vigorous 1 hour 632 calories
185 lbs Moderate 1 hour 622 calories
185 lbs Vigorous 1 hour 754 calories
240 lbs Moderate 1 hour 654 calories
240 lbs Vigorous 1 hour 795 calories

So, if you weigh about 125 lbs and row moderately for one hour, you’ll burn approximately 410 calories. If you row more vigorously for the same time, you’ll burn about 510 calories.

For those weighing around 155 lbs, moderate rowing for an hour burns about 520 calories, while vigorous rowing bumps that up to 632 calories.

If you’re around 185 lbs, moderate rowing for an hour burns about 622 calories, and vigorous rowing can burn up to 754 calories.

And for those weighing about 240 lbs, moderate rowing for an hour burns around 654 calories, while vigorous rowing can burn up to 795 calories.

One thing to keep in mind – these numbers aren’t set in stone. They can vary from person to person because the calculation takes into account factors like age, height, gender, and more.

These estimates should give you an idea of how much intensity you need to put into your rowing. It’s pretty clear that if you have a bulkier body, you’ll need to row more to burn more calories. But if you’re already at a healthy weight, you can achieve similar results with less intense rowing.

Calorie calculator

Most modern rowing machines have a monitor that displays your heart rate, duration of your rowing session, and other metrics. This info helps calculate the calories being burned. But keep in mind that the displays can vary from one rowing machine to another. Generally, the monitors on pricier machines (like the PM5 monitor on the Concept2 Model D) show more precise and accurate results.

You can work out on rowing machines in two main ways: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or Steady State (SS). It’s hard to say which one is more efficient for burning calories because it really depends on the individual – some people prefer one, while others like the other.


Here are a few things to consider when it comes to burning calories:

1. Your ability to row: Not everyone can lose weight or burn calories at the same rate. It depends on your rowing ability. For example, someone weighing 155 lbs who’s an expert rower might actually burn fewer calories than a beginner of the same weight because they row more efficiently.

2. The intensity of your rowing: You might think that rowing for a longer time always burns more calories, but that’s not always true. It’s all about intensity. If you row vigorously for 10 minutes, you might burn more calories than someone rowing at a steady pace for 20 minutes.

3. The afterburn effect: Here’s a cool thing – even after you stop rowing, your body continues to burn calories for a while. This is what experts call the “afterburn effect.” Your body keeps burning calories to repair the micro-tears in your muscles, especially after interval training. This afterburn effect can burn an additional 100 to 200 calories!

Techniques for a better workout

Want to burn more calories in less time? Here are some techniques to try on your rowing machine:

Sit taller: Make sure your body is in a straight position when you sit on the rowing machine. Keep your chest and back as straight as possible for the best results.

proper form of rowing by

Row from lower to higher intensity: Start with a lower speed and gradually build up. For instance, start with 20 strokes a minute and slowly increase to 30. This helps you avoid getting tired too quickly and keeps your energy consistent throughout your workout.

Mix up your rowing workouts: Don’t stick to just one type of rowing workout. Make your exercise enjoyable by mixing various rowing plans. This keeps things interesting and can help you burn more calories overall.

To wrap it up, rowing machines are a great way to burn calories compared to many other workouts. While it’s tough to say exactly how many calories you’ll burn (since it varies from person to person), one thing’s for sure – if you row efficiently using the right techniques, it’s an awesome way to burn those extra calories!